Can Regular Exercise Change Your Mood?

I have often thought that when  I do a bit of exercise I always feel in a lighter mood afterwards. Seems I might be on to something ha! ha! as if I were a scientist!

Anyway it seems we should treat the  mind and body as one because in fact when we work out it boosts the production of key neuro-chemicals that are essential to our health and mood. Exercise has been proven to increase the levels of dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin and endorphins in the body. These chemicals create a euphoric feeling that strengthens the body and stimulates the mind. See that’s what I said 🙂

So it stands to reason that a regular exercise routine has the best benefits for our health and mood. When we work out every day our bodies build up a surplus of these feel good chemicals. When we only exercise once in a while, it causes our body chemistry to fluctuate. These fluctuations are responsible for our ups and downs throughout the day. By having a surplus of these chemicals in the body it helps us to stabilize our mood and how we feel.

Exercise Benefits To Mood In Many Ways….

  1. It reduces stress and stress has a big influence on both physical and emotional health. Exercise can reverse the negative effects of stress and help us feel good.
  2. Exercise can help us feel better about our selves. When we look and feel healthier and fitter we have a better self esteem, never a bad thing.
  3. Exercise boosts the production of serotonin as we said and this is a brain chemical that regulates mood.

All in all the benefits to our health are many….

  • Aerobic exercise strengthens the heart and the cardiovascular system which in turn has a positive effect on your blood pressure.
  • Exercise increases your energy levels stimulating your metabolism, which, means healthier weight management and more self-confidence, which, goes a long way to improving mood.
  • Exercise will help you to burn excess fat, adding to your self-esteem.
  • And finally you can strengthen your bones with strength training that will stimulate the density of your bones. So important as we get older.

There are many benefits to both health and mood when you exercise on a regular basis. The body and mind are inter-connected. What effects one will effect the other.

Learning about this connection is a good way for seniors to live longer and healthier lives.

Some Exercise Tips

• Pick an activity that you enjoy. Anything we make hard we eventually stop doing. You have to make exercise fun!
• Include exercise into your daily schedule. This way it becomes a habit. After a while you will wonder how you ever lived without exercising.
• Classes are a fun way to get into exercise. They are held on a regular schedule and there are many types of fitness classes available.
• Workout with a friend. A friend can help you to stay motivated.

Even Diet Can Effect Your Mood

A good diet can also effect your mood. A diet in complex carbohydrates has been shown to increase serotonin levels. Try adding healthy carbs like oats with skim milk or multi-grain bread with peanut butter to your diet before your workout. This will help to give you more energy for your work out and help to stimulate serotonin levels at the same time.

It’s suggested that you work out for 30-45 minutes 3-5 days a week. If you have a hard time doing this you can start smaller and work your way up.
Remember to have fun and enjoy yourself!

A great way would be to jooin me and exercise with Peggy’s Over 50’s Exercise Videos. You can even get some free classes if you click here 🙂

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